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2015: A Year in Review

What a wonderful year for May Flowers! We were busier than ever with weddings, events, styled shoots and bridal shows and that's the way we like it. We are celebrating the new year and our third anniversary by looking back at some of the highlights of 2015.

A Year in Review

2015 found us moving into our wonderful new space at 1308 Hanover Street and welcoming Chelsea back to Chattanooga and our team!

Floral design details

Our busy season started in April with the annual Palate 2 Palette event with the theme "The Wizard of Us."

We were neck-deep in flowers and weddings throughout the summer and fall but we wouldn't have it any other way! More than 80 fabulous brides (and all of their wonderful vendors) allowed us to be a part of their beautiful weddings. We really get to work with some amazing people and we're so thankful for each of our brides and vendor friends.

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We were thrilled to participate in two fantastic styled photo shoots -- here's a sneak peak of one from July (stay tuned for more photos soon!)

Styled shoot

This shot is from the ever fabulous Daisy Moffatt.

We also participated in the 2015 Pink Bridal Show and had a blast playing around with dramatic colors and fun, unique materials.

We set a few in-house records this year:

Over 350 feet of greenery garlands hand-crafted in the shop 250 arrangements designed for a single wedding First 6 am delivery Most May Flowers team members ever Met with the most brides in one year

2015 was a crazy busy year full of surprises, creativity and growth for us at May Flowers. We are grateful for your support and love in 2015 and we're looking forward to sharing a wonderful 2016 with you!

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